50 Year Reunion
June 3-5, 2006
Mike's Reunion Reflection

Front Row, L to R: Ruby
O’Dell Greer, DeDe Hair Ogden, Karen Lightburne Dye, Nancy Berry Trout, Martha
LaFrenz Kay, Diane Igoe Mnookin, Carol Brown Nickles, Karol Peterson Thomas
Second Row, L to R: Thom Weddle, Larry McGinnis, Don Bogart, Jim Keen, Susie
Parker McCreary, Carolyn Bailey Thomas, Ferd Good, Helen Berndt Mann, Sharon
Rotsch Sohns, Sharon Mack Freeman, Allen (Tony) Murfin, James Tate, Dick Haug,
Jim Harris Back Row, L to R: Mike Maloney, Jerry Power, Gene Eppard, Dick
Jones, Kenneth Jones, Keith McDonald, Fred Isenhour, John Nowell, Larry Eiker,
Don Lindsay, Don Gregory, Larry Elliott, Howard Dunn, Jim Troeglen, Berk
Stanley, Huber O’Dell
Friday Evening -- Cedars of Liberty
Berk and Judy Stanley, Judy Tate, Helen (Berndt) Mann, Jim Tate
Jerry and Carol Power, Marcia and Charles Burgess
Keith McDonald, Larry Elliott
Made a mess of that table
Carol (Brown) Nickles, Sharon (Rotsch) Sohns
Thom Weddle, Sharon (Mack) Freeman, Don Lindsay
DeDe (Hair) Ogden, Sandy and Lonie Hank
Jerry Power and Keith McDonald
Allis Jones, Ferd Good, Fred Isenhour, Bev Lindsay and Ruth Tucker
Bobbie (Sarver) Maloney LHS '59
Don and Diane Mnookin, Jimmy Keen, Jerry and Sharon Sohns, DeDe Ogden
Carolyn Thomas, Don and Diane Mnookin, Jimmy Keen
Mike Maloney, Karol Thomas, Tony Murfin
Sandy and Lonie Hank, Don Gregory, Susie McCreary
Bobbie (Sarver) Maloney, Joe Mann
Don Gregory, Susie McCreary, Ruby (O'dell) Greer, Huber O'dell
Dwayne Thomas, Ken Jones, Fred Isenhour
Fred Isenhour, Ruth Tucker
Larry Eiker, Karol Thomas
Marcia and Charles Burgess, Kathy McGinnis
Jimmy Keen, Bobbie Maloney, Joe Mann
Allis Jones, Joan and John Nowell, Gene Eppard
Helen Mann, Jim Tate, Judy and Berk Stanley
Larry and Wilma Elliott, Wayne Keller, Tony Murfin
Tony Murfin, Howard Dunn, Dick Haug, Barbara (Vaughn) Dunn LHS '58, Jim Troeglen, Keith McDonald
Jim Troeglen, Keith McDonald
Mad Bird cake ready to eat
Thom Weddle, Sharon (Mack) Freeman, Don Lindsay
Wayne Keller, Charles Burgess
Helen Mann, Kathy and Larry McGinnis
Judy and Berk Stanley, Dick Haug
Wilma Elliott, Beverly Lindsay
Don Gregory, Gene Eppard, Dwayne Thomas
Mike Maloney, Karol Thomas, Tony Murfin
Susie McCreary, Ruby Greer, Huber O'dell, Carol Nickles
Tony Murfin, Sharon Freeman, Carolyn Thomas, Diane Mnookin
Dick Haug, Jimmy Keen, Helen Mann
Saturday Evening -- Wynbrick Center
Saturday evening at Wynbrick
Dick and Frankie (Keen) Jones LHS '59
Beverly Lindsay, Larry and Wilma Elliott, Joan and John Nowell, Frankie (Keen) Jones
Jim Tate, Toni (Carder) Willet (Art Carder's widow)
Gladden Dye, Dwayne Thomas, Carol Nickles, Joe Mann
Nancy and Sharon singing alma mater
Trying to remember a cheer
Jerry Power, Martha Kay, Nancy Trout, Diane Mnookin
Cheerleader wore themselves out
Back to the visiting room
Ready to release the balloons
Jerry Sohns, Diane (Igoe) and Don Mnookin
Mike Maloney & Gene Eppard
Keith McDonald & class ring
Tony Murfin, Helen Mann & Thom Weddle
Jim Harris & Martha (LaFrenz) Kay
Wilma Elliott, Toni (Carder) Willett (Art's Widow) Larry Elliott
Don Gregory, Thom Weddle, Barbara Dunn
Thom Weddle & Martha (LaFrenz) Kay
Sharon, Helen, Nancy and Sharon
Sharon, Helen, Nancy & Sharon Cheering
Huber O'Dell & Don Bogart
Don & Grace Bogart, Ruby Greer
Larry McGinnis, Don Lindsay & Larry Elliott
Bev Lindsay, Barbara Dunn, Dewayne Thomas, Wilma Elliott, & Carol Power
Keith McDonald, Howard Dunn
Kathy McGinnis, Barbara (Vaughn) Dunn LHS '58
Wilma Elliott watching video
Beverly Lindsay, Ruth Tucker, Dick Haug
Fred, Beverly and Don Lindsay
Mike, Sharon Sohns, Don Mnookin
What was in that bottle Carolyn? Hold on tight!!
Ferd, Fred, Jimmy, Frankie and Dick
Jim and Frankie (Keen) & Dick Jones
Sharon (Rotsch) & Jerry Sohns
Waiting the remembrance service
Ready to release balloons
Don Gregory, conducting classmate remembrance
Releasing balloons, remembering our classmates
Keith McDonald, Karol Thomas
Helen (Berndt) Mann & Joan Nowello
Carol (Brown) Nickles, Don Gregory, Mike Maloney
Jim Harris, Judy Tate, Fred Isenhour, Berk Stanley
John Nowell, Sharon (Rotsch) Sohns, Joan Nowell
John Nowell, Karol Thomas, Joan Nowell
Karen (Lightburne) and Gladden Dye
Kathy McGinnis, Allis Jones
Group watching old reunion video
Tony, Dewey and Susie McCreary
Saturday evening at Wynbrick
Sunday Morning -- Fred Isenhour Home
Jerry Power, Howard Dunn, Jim and Judy Tate
Jim & Judy Tate & Howard Dunn
Don't expect me to do all these names!
Fred Isenhour & Barbara Dunn
Yep, turn here to Fred's!
Judy Tate, Carol and Jerry Power
Howard Dunn, Dewayne Thomas, Joe Mann
Tony, Sharon, Don & Barbara
Jim, Huber, Mike and someone who needs to be on a diet
Berk, Helen, Carolyn & Ruby
Fred waiting to clean up the mess
Don Gregory, Don and Beverly Lindsay
Jim Harris & Karol Thomas
Jim Haug, Sharon Sohns, Ruth Tucker, Larry McGinnis
Fred still waiting to clean up after us!
Soon as he is done it will be nap time!!
Don, Martha, Carolyn Sharon, Helen & Jim
Winding this weekend up!!
Jerry Power, Howard Dunn, Jim and Judy Tate
After Hours
Carolyn & Nancy (Ryan) Weddle
Tony, Sharon, Carolyn & Diane
Sharon & Jerry Sohns, Don Mnookin, Carolyn Thomas
Don Mnookin, Carolyn, Nancy Weddle, Sharon, Nancy Trout
Sharon, Nancy, Martha, Joe Mann
Carolyn & Nancy (Ryan) Weddle