Carolyn Bailey Thomas"Barley"
Spectator Staff 56; Pep Club 54,55,56; Glee Club 54,55 Prom Committee 55; Girls' State 55.
2006 Most of my adult life I enjoyed working in a medical office. In 2003, after 27 years with the same group, I retired. However, I found that I did not like staying at home all of the time so I fill in two days a week at the same office. May of 2006 it will he 30 years of service to the same group. I still live on my Grandparent’s farm between Kearney & Smithville. My oldest son, Kyle lives next door which means Austin, age 13 is close by. Austin’s sister, Ashley age 22, is in her last semester of nurses training. She graduated in December 2005 with her R N. My youngest, Stephen and his family, Kathy, Jeff,Jenniier and Josh live outside Richmond, MO. My life may be considered dull to some but it is my dream. Living quietly on the farm where 1 have been the happiest as a child and an adult.