John Nowell



Band; A Cappella; Glee Club.


John passed away July 23, 2011
1938 - 1956    These years were mostly school, with Boy Scouts (Eagle Scouts, God & Country, and MicOSay), hunting, fishing float trips (mostly with classmates). I made a lot of good & close friends in school which remain to this day.

1956    After Graduation, I went into the army with several classmates (RFA55), then active reserves, attended WJC and worked for my father in the printing business.

1958    Went into law enforcement in Liberty (1958-65)

1959    This year was a big change. I met & married my wife Joan. In 1960 we had our first daughter, Karen. Through 1965, I attended many law enforcement schools, most were at KU set up by Vivian Thomas (George's dad). This period of time was a life educating experience for me.

1966    Joan & I were blessed with our second daughter, Jill. We purchased a cabin at the Lake of the Ozarks (still have the property but added to it and is now our present home).

1973    I purchased Quality Press and continued the printing operations through 2000.

2000 - 2005    Joan & I had a big change in 2000. We both retired. sold our Liberty house and moved to the Lake of the Ozarks in Camden County, MO. We enjoy fishing, boating and just being on the water. We still visit Liberty frequently since our (2) daughters, grand children and their husbands live there, including our Liberty friends. I also play the guitar weekly with a music group in Camdenton, just for fun.


John Passed away after a lengthy battle with heart problems

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