Birthday Article from Danville Newspaper
Mom has celebrated her 99th birthday, and what a celebration it was! All the family was able to gather and of course that made her happy. But the cards and letters from friends in Liberty and former students from all over the US brought her many smiles (and a few tears). She kept saying, "It's good to be remembered" and "It's nice to know I made a difference."
From the "memories" posted here and from the more than 100 cards in the mail, I noted three recurrent themes: Mrs. LaFrenz was patient, she cared about her students, and she made math both understandable and fun. As a teacher myself, I know how much it means to have students who express their gratitude. Better than a paycheck, I always say.
Mom and I are both grateful for all the messages. Thanks to everyone.
Martha (LaFrenz) Kay
Danville Commerical News-